The Sea-Bear
An exploration in marine biology
The Sea-Bear is half piranha, half grizzly bear and one hundred percent power!
The Sea-Bear makes its home all over the pacific ocean, but all recent sightings where around the bikini islands.
The Sea-Bear is a timid and shy creature, ranging from different shades of brown to different shades of green in color. Its natural prey are flashlights, often spotted eating them whole.
The Sea-Bear tends to keep to its self, unless it's attracted by any of the eight actions that I go over in: How to Stop a Sea-Bear Attack. If it attacks once it's, likely to attack again if you do any of the types of movement (ex:Limping) I go over in How to stop a Sea-Bear attack. If it attacks, the sound may attract a Sea-Rhino
The Sea-Rhino is even more powerful than a Sea-Bear its raw might is unrivalled in the animal world, it's said that it can level schools and food banks, it's so mighty the power of a Sea-Bear circle has no effect upon the beast!
The only way to protect against a Sea-Rhino is something even more powerful than a Sea-Bear circle find out in "Stopping a Sea-Bear attack".
Feeding habits
The Sea-Bear spend most of its time looking for food. It loves to eat flash lights and with years of evolution, the Sea-Bear has found the most efficient way of finding its flashlight prey...